

One of my friends, a huge guy who competes in the strongest man competition, had bought some IGF-1 vials. The brand name was Nutral with lot number 050303. According to the label it contained 1000 mcg IGF-1 LR3 in acetic acid. He lifted his shirt and showed me his body. He had blue coloured bruises alike spots on his body the size of a hand, with fluid retention underneath. Later he confessed that they had lasted for weeks. I became very curious and tried to find a laboratory that had the capability to analyse complex proteins. I found one in Germany.

A few of our members asked to post some analytical reports. There are a few ways to analyse a product in this case its fully analysed. They looked for water (Karl Fisher) mostly present if the API (active pharmaceutical ingredient aka raw powders) is not stored properly. The Ph (accidity) mostly due to unpure powders. The identity (if the compound is the compound labeled) in this case does the sample contain drostenolone propionate. The dose (the amount of active ingredients per milliliter). The heavy metals (those can build up in the body) We thought that most API's from India and China would possess a high content of metals -acids etc. That was the  main reason to analyse Underground laboratories.


“The Blue Tops”: IGF-1 LR3
by Ronny Tober

In the previous issue of Body of Science we published an other analysis of a IGF-1 LR3 sample we bought in the Netherlands and that originated from China. It turned out it was a very dangerous item that contained rat insulin instead of IGF-1 LR3! This time we are back doing protein analysis. In this case, we are again looking at IGF-1 LongR3. We obtained this vial of IGF-1LR3 from China, the principle source country of all IGF-1LR3. We did our best to pick a product that was popular, and thus was representative of the quality of many IGF-1LR3 samples. The results were, again, concerning.

 Counterfeited steroids a problem since years.

 Counterfeited anabolic-androgenic steroids are a problem as long as I can remember.  Already in the nineties almost half of all the steroids on the black market pinched.  That appeared clearly from an analysis of preparations from the nineties, that was published is in 2000 in the German periodical Sportverletzung Sportschaden. 

 The investigation had relation on forty compoundss, that all were originating from the black market in Germany.  It does not concern samples that where bought and examined in the years 2000 or in 1999.  Already in 1997 the same researchers published these results, in another magazine.(2) Because between the publishing of an article in a scientific periodical and the date of publication sometimes a year is well possible, you can assume that these anabolics have been collected early  1996.  Experts, that on our request looked at the testresults, think that this study gives a clear image of the situation halfway the nineties.  Take by example those Parabolans'', says a consulted anabolic expert.  ,, You stumbled about  those in 1997 .  They were pinched, but you could buy them everywhere .  If you  ask me: what were 'the' means of the nineties, then I would say:  Paynes-deca, Thaibol and pinched-Parabolan


 Again an old set of analyses, because I strongly believe that history keep repeating itself througout the years, That why I'll post sets of analyses to enable you to compare.

There is no question about it. Underground steroid products make up the dominant share of the global steroid business now. What was once a market largely fed by real prescription drugs, is now one where small-scale underground manufacturing and home brewing operations thrive. The underground market does accomplish one very substantial thing – it allows the very large demand for these drugs to be met. It will be the first to admit, that were it not for the underground aspect of this trade, there would be far fewer drugs in commerce, and far fewer people with access to them. But this article is not about the availability of underground steroids. It is about their safety.

 Tests found lead, tin, arsenic and a cancer-causing cattle fattener mixed in with steroids. The Courant bought over the Internet

Dangerous. That was the first word out of the scientist's mouth after seeing test results on three batches of anabolic steroids The Courant bought from black market websites in Poland, Spain and Moldova. Reckless was another description. Poison, a third.

Winstrol from Desma is very popular among bodybuilders and athletes and therefore subject to counterfeiting. Much more then from other manufacturers. Lets take a look at why and how we think they are counterfeited and see some analytical reports on identification and bacteria. We also wanted to know more about the size of  powder (API). Thus we asked the lab to messure the size of the powder also.


 Several samples of UG Labs Biogen was taken from the black market and analysed,as a 
results for biogen deca, no nandrolone at all but a small bit of testosterone propionate.A 
similar products  from the same labs was tested with unfortunately identical issue. 

- Quality of illegal doping substances on the black market in the Netherlands –

This article pertains to a study performed in the Netherlands, which examined the quality of anabolic androgenic substances used as performance enhancing drugs by athletes, bodybuilders, powerlifters, fighters and an increasing amount of cosmetic bodybuilders. The aim of this study was to obtain a current and clear insight on the quality and availability of illegal doping agents on the Dutch black market. Altough isolated to steroids found in Holland, I think the results are quite representative for most European countries.

The Dutch study covers four years and involves the analyses performed on 203 products that where seized at the arrest of dealers or became available through other channels of the Dutch inspection for public health, during the period between 2000-2003 and were analysed for the presence of active ingredients as claimed on the label. The study contains a total of  336 products that were analysed. Beside the products from the period between 2000-2003 the NeCeDo study made a comparison with the results of 98 analyses from 1998  performed by the NIDDR (Netherlands Institute for Drugs and Doping Research in Utrecht)

Degradation under different storage conditions


I have analysed the same batch (Hygetropin) but under different storage conditions, for 15 days.