
Abs and Core

The core has become a fitness buzzword. People seem to think core training is synonymous with abdominal training, which explains why various websites, blogs, trainers and television home shopping commercials, use that phrase to attract misinformed readers desperate for a six-pack. In truth, the core is much more than a six-pack, and it needs to be treated as such.

It's time to destroy misconceptions about core training and restore its true meaning. Endless sets of sit-ups and leg raises will only take your core so far. Eventually, your core will need to support heavy weight under serious stress when you squat, deadlift, or press. Kick the crunches aside and learn heavy lessons that build insane core strength!

Just because a strong healthy body with a six-pack, a tiny waist and a strong core is important for so many people, the fitness enthusiasts, the bodybuilders, the fighters (MMA, wrestlers, boxers, kick-boxers) but also the general population, especially the young generation that wants to look good with their shirt off and on the beach. There are so much different approaches to reach this goal.  Kettle bells, Medicine balls, jump ropes, slam balls  and suspension kits are only a few of the  instruments  used  to train the  core muscles.  And many gadgets to train the abs more about that later in this article.

Most of the anabolic steroid not only dock to the androgen receptor, but also to the receptors for estradiol and progesterone. Knowledge about that is also relevant to steroids users, because the progestogenic and estrogenic effect of steroids tells us something about their possible side effects. In 2009 some Dutch researchers published a survey which might benefit health conscious steroids users.

The more you know about anabolic steroids, they more complex they seem to be.  If you start to study the chemistry of anabolic steroids you start to understand how various modifications are meant to prevent the conversion of steroids into estradiol-like and DHT-like hormones, while at the same time allowing for an increased anabolic effect. But if you understand that, you'll discover that it all works just a bit more complicated.

I get many questions about infections or even abcesses. Mostly people blame the Underground Lab, posting the product was not sterile etc. In reality its better first to check on Google if you can find more cases of infection. Because a batch is in most cases much bigger than 1 vial. Most UG labs manufactur a kilo of API  (raw powder). A batch of 250 mg/ml wil therefore be around 400 pcs.

The culprit in most cases is a lack of knowledge. I’ve seen many times that bodybuilders injected each other or themselves. They clean the injectionspot with alcohol (betadine is much and much better) and immidiatly pierce the skin. After the injection they pull up their pants and boxer. They mostly forget that they have created an open wound, a small one but bacteria are small too.

Once you have desinfected the skin you should wait some time to allow the bacteria to die, before you pierce the skin.

You should also desinfect the top of the vial you keep in the basement or fridge. And use clean needles and syringes. Wash your hands carefully also.

Here you can read how an extremely knowledgeble competing bodybuilder managed to contaminate his vial. When I showed him the analytical reports he realised how lucky he had been for quite some time. He was injecting so much for such a long time that he had become careless about sterility.



You will notice in an infection (usually) within 3 days and it will be red, sensitive to the touch and will seem to spread. Irritiation for the for first days will be very much the same so it can be stressful during that time to determine what is what.

First off its always a good idea to have some antibiotics handy just in case. Even with pharmaceutical gear from compounding pharmacies you can still get infections from a various amount of reasons. You mentioned injecting in the tricep. Thats a great area to site inject but can be tricky. you need to make sure you flex the tricep fully and find the peak. Watch it carefully as you relax the arm (should be bent 90 degrees not straight) and inject in the center of the meaty portion of the peak. It is very easy to be off center or to hit the outside head where there is not much space and the subsequent expansion of the muscle accompanied with the 2 propionate esters in sustanon to cause some pretty uncomfortable irritation. If the site has not been swabbed with alcohol and a frest needle used that can place bacteria in the injection site.

Most of the anabolic steroid not only dock to the androgen receptor, but also to the receptors for estradiol and progesterone. Knowledge about that is also relevant to steroids users, because the progestogenic and estrogenic effect of steroids tells us something about their possible side effects. In 2009 some Dutch researchers published a survey which might benefit health conscious steroids users.

The more you know about anabolic steroids, they more complex they seem to be.  If you start to study the chemistry of anabolic steroids you start to understand how various modifications are meant to prevent the conversion of steroids into estradiol-like and DHT-like hormones, while at the same time allowing for an increased anabolic effect. But if you understand that, you'll discover that it all works just a bit more complicated.

Take nandrolone.  Nandrolone differs from testosterone because nandrolone lacks a 19-methyl group. Thereby the aromatase enzyme converts nandrolone harder than testosterone into estradiol. At the same time  that the omission of 19-methyl group ensures that the anabolic effect of nandrolone is stronger than that of testosterone.
The absence of the 19-methyl group allows nandrolone to attach to the androgen receptor about two times better than testosterone. Because, by the omission of the 19-methyl group of nandrolone it can no longer convert in the androgen testosterone metabolite DHT,  at the same time nandrolone has less androgenic side effects than testosterone. Testosterone converts easily into DHT, DHT is hardly anabolic but strongly androgenic, and DHT can attach to the androgen receptor 3 times better than testosterone.

In the eighties, however, users found that nandrolone still has side effects caused by female hormones. At somewhat higher doses, men can develop breasts (gyno) from  nandrolone,. This is probably because nandrolone can attach itself to the estradiol receptor. By the absence of the 19-methyl group Nandrolone is also a bit of an estrogen.

It also became clear that nandrolone in somewhat higher doses suppressed the body's endogenous production of testosterone to a greater extent than synthetic testosterone. That is because nandrolone by the absence of the 19-methyl group is also suitable for the progesterone receptor. The combined androgen-estrogen-progestational effect of nandrolone, causes the steroid in the hypothalamus to press to all the buttons that reduce the body's own testosterone production. By the same mechanism nandrolone users can become temporarily impotent, and nandrolone was in animal studies more harmful for the heart and blood vessels than testosterone.

The story becomes even more complex. In the 21st century it became clear that steroid receptors in cells - and hence in muscle cells – worked together. The signal that the androgen receptor, after forming a complex with an anabolic steroid, that tells the muscle to become bigger, becomes stronger if the cell at the same time receives stimuli via the estradiol and progesterone receptor. That idea was the starting point of the thesis of Barry Blankvoort. [Development of an endogenous androgen receptor-mediated luciferase expression assay for interactive androgenic action, Wageningen 2003] If you've read it you look differently to cycles and stacks, and take all those messages about endocrine disruptors in our food a lot more serious. Ergo: the same mechanism by which nandrolone exerts so many side effects, also makes nandrolone such effective muscle builder.

 Luckily "gyno", or in this case lipomastia, does not always look that bad. Oftentimes it is more subtle, yet still annoying a psychological burden for men suffering from it. This pictures alone should be reason enough to give all the 45+ contributing mentioned in this article a wide, wide berth

If you type "gynecomastia" into your favorite search engine, your chances to find one of the major fitness and bodybuilding forums among your first hits are about 99%. This indicates that gynecomastia, lipomastia, "bitch tits", "fat tits" and whatever else many people use to measure by the same yardstick is much more prevalent than you would think if you conducted a survey on the street. The reasons for that are manifold. Men, who frequent those bulletin boards are oftentimes more conscious about their looks than Mr. Average, they are also more prone to be exposed to exogenous hormonal agents that can contribute to the development of the aforementioned unaesthetic pathologies. Most importantly, though, gynecomastia is something you don't talk about. You have it, you suffer, but you don't talk publicly about it - after all, that would just make you even more unmanly! Right? No, false! Utterly false!

In fact, the widespread implicit understanding that the above statement was right is a damn good reason for me to do the opposite and talk, or rather write about causes  and ways to get rid of this humiliating condition .

Over the years, bodybuilding nutrition has divided itself into three fairly distinct categories (I’m going to leave out the ones I consider voodoo nonsense) which are high-carb/low-fat, moderate carb/moderate fat, and low-carbohydrate. Low carb-diets can be further subdivided into high or low fat as well as cyclical or non-cyclical. I discuss each in more detail in Comparing the Diets.

In theory, you can make arguments for or against any of these approaches in terms of superiority. In the real world, it’s not quite that simple. You can always find folks (and this is true whether they are bodybuilders or just general dieters) who either succeeded staggeringly well or failed miserably on one or another approaches.Before going on, I want to mention that protein recommendations tend not to vary that significantly between diets and most of the arguments tend to revolve around the varying proportions of carbohydrate and fats in the diet and that’s what I’ll be focusing on here. Simply, I don’t consider low-protein fat loss diets in the equation at all for the simple fact that they don’t work for anybody but the extremely obese. Any dieting bodybuilder or athlete needs 1-1.5 g/lb lean body mass of protein on a diet. Possibly more under certain circumstances.

A story by GARY TAUBES Published on April 13, 2011 in the New York Times

On May 26, 2009, Robert Lustig gave a lecture called “Sugar: The Bitter Truth,” which was posted on YouTube the following July. Since then, it has been viewed well over 800,000 times, gaining new viewers at a rate of about 50,000 per month, fairly remarkable numbers for a 90-minute discussion of the nuances of fructose biochemistry and human physiology.

Lustig is a specialist on pediatric hormone disorders and the leading expert in childhood obesity at the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine, which is one of the best medical schools in the country. He published his first paper on childhood obesity a dozen years ago, and he has been treating patients and doing research on the disorder ever since.

The viral success of his lecture, though, has little to do with Lustig’s impressive credentials and far more with the persuasive case he makes that sugar is a “toxin” or a “poison,” terms he uses together 13 times through the course of the lecture, in addition to the five references to sugar as merely “evil.” And by “sugar,” Lustig means not only the white granulated stuff that we put in coffee and sprinkle on cereal — technically known as sucrose — but also high-fructose corn syrup, which has already become without Lustig’s help what he calls “the most demonized additive known to man.”

Every bodybuilder knows that cortisol is bad. Cortisol is one of those nasty catabolic hormones, and catabolism is bad.

At least that’s the logic. Cortisol is a hormone found in your body, in a class of compound called glucocorticoids. It gets its name from the fact that it’s produced in the cortex (outer layer) of the adrenal glands.



There is a lot of scrutiny regarding proper anabolic-androgenic steroid cycle structure for maximal muscle gains with minimal risks. Front loading is one practice gaining attention in the bodybuilding community. This process immediately elevates blood androgen levels. Front loading omits the customary delay of obtaining peak and stable blood levels by increasing the cycle’s front-end use.

Athletes stumble onto AAS use while scavenging for further ways to promote a progressive strength training routine – especially bodybuilders and powerlifters. Strength athletes often search for ways to develop productive steroid cycling protocols by combining the clinical research that is available with personal experience; as well as gathering insight from others. Formal clinical trials analyzing anabolic steroids in sports and exercise are rare. The medical community perceives little application for large performance-enhancing amounts of AAS to treat disease – even though many athletes would argue poor performance is an adverse health condition. Mostly through trial and error, numerous informal studies and private research examines various steroid cycling methods and how they can present a positive impact on performance and body composition. This information is generally shared through social networks, to include using online messaging software.

Extreme dieting is where a bodybuilder tries to get in shape as fast as possible,in the shortest time frame possible.

There is no instance where I recommend extreme dieting. For maximum muscle retention, it's always best to take a patient and longer approach to dieting. It is for this reason that I advocate the 12-14 week contest prep. The longer you take to drop weight, the more body fat you will lose and the more muscle mass you will retain. However, for many reasons, bodybuilders occasionally have to get in shape in a very short period of time. For example, they realize they are "behind" in their prep or they only give themselves 8-9 weeks to diet. If you are extremely fat, absolutely nothing will help get you into great shape in just 6 or 8 weeks. If you are soft and lacking definition, you can get into incredible shape in just 8-9 weeks - if you know what steps to take. In this Rx Muscle installment, I plan to outline the type of diet I have used with clients to help get them into great shape in just 8-9 weeks.