Age: 27

Weight: 133 contest; 150 off-season

Height: 5’8”

Residence: Greensboro, North Carolina

Occupation: Commercial banker

Contest highlights: ’10 NPC Elite Classic, bikini, B-class, 1st, and overall; ’10 NPC Mid-Atlantic Classic, bikini, B-class, 5th

Factoids: She has an MBA and a B.A. in psychology and works for a Fortune 500 company. She trains with Malcolm Marshall at Showtime Physique in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.


“More energy (calories) is spent digesting and absorbing high-fiber foods. In fact, if you increase your fiber intake to 35 grams a day, you’ll automatically burn 250 calories a day, without exercising more or eating less.”

Besides stabilizing blood sugar, curbing appetite, accelerating the removal of fats and cholesterol from the body and improving protein metabolism, fiber lowers heart disease risk, improves blood pressure and reduces the risk of developing certain cancers. Plus, it appears to be the perfect fat burner.

What is dietary fiber? It’s the non- or partially digestible part of plants, fruits, nuts, vegetables and grains. Although fiber is considered a complex carbohydrate, it travels through the digestive system without being changed or converted into glucose. It doesn’t contain the same number of calories found in carbohydrates, nor is it processed in the same manner. As a result you get to eat a lot of good foods without a load of fattening calories. Because of the functional differences of this unique form of carbohydrate, researchers categorize fiber in two ways: soluble and insoluble.


7 Days to Ultimate Leanness

by Chris "Swolecat" Janusz

You’ve been dieting for a while now with great success. You’ve shed your layer of winter blubber and now you’re ready to show everyone the new you.

Bench press alternatives


Have you ever seen an optical illusion? A sketch of a young woman is actually the face of an old lady; or the outline of a bird, an old man. Look at them long enough, and all of a sudden you see the image in a new light, bringing new depth and meaning to the artwork. Well, it’s time to take a good, long look around the gym for some of the best chest exercises that you’ve looked at but never really seen. Look hard because they’re there. In fact, they’re closer than you think.

That’s right. We’re pointing to the bench press. Long claimed to be the single-best chest exercise to which nothing else could compare. We dare you to take another look at the bench press. We found two that are better than the standard bench press. But rather than have you run to other areas of the gym in search of that holy grail of chest equipment, we have to clarify the asterisk we placed on that previous remark. What we’re really trying to tell you is that there are some pretty incredible techniques that can make the all-powerful bench press even mightier than it already is. Techniques and methods that, when done properly, can add pounds to your bench and inches to your chest all at the same time.

We stand by our statement that both techniques are superior to the standard bench press. All that’s required is for you to take the time to look, learn, perfect and perform them. If you do, your chest will never be the same; if you don’t, it probably will.

Powelifting Excercises( Upper Body)


Barbell Extensions: This exercise is designed to isolate the medial and outer heads of the triceps. Begin this movement by lying with your back on a bench. Take a medium to close grip on a barbell. Unrack the weight and extend your arms directly above your upper chest. Lower the barbell toward your chin while keeping your upper arms motionless and your elbows turned inward. Reverse the direction by using your triceps to extend your arms to the starting position. Do not let your elbows flare out during the exercise. This movement is best performed keeping the bar away from the forehead. By keeping it closer to the chin we’re isolating those muscles that are more involved with pressing.

Barbell Extensions with Band: Same as above but with a band.

Barbell Extensions on Floor: Same as barbell extensions, but performed on the floor. Performing this movement on the floor takes the legs out of the movement, thus putting more stress on the pressing muscles.

Bench Press: The bench press should be performed with the shoulder blades pulled together and driven into the bench. The elbows should be in a tucked position. The bar should hit you in the lower chest area. It must be pushed in a straight line, not back over the face.

Close Grip Bench Press: Lay on the bench with your shoulder blades pulled together and pressed firmly into the bench. Grab the bar with a close grip; for this program youll want one finger on the smooth part of the bar. Begin the exercise by unracking the bar and lowering it with your elbows in a tucked position. Lower the bar to your lower chest. Keeping your elbows in a tucked position, press the bar back to the starting position.

First things first:
There are many reasons that bulking diets fail but here are a few of the most common reasons:
1) Calories are not high enough and putting on muscle mass fails

2) Calories are too high and macros percentages are not in check. This in turn leads to putting on sloppy weight (fat) as well as muscle.

3) You are BULKING, not CHEATING. Cheat days will be factored in, but your food choices should still be healthy. All diets, whether cutting or buking, need to be monitored. This means that watching your insulin spikes and TYPE of carb intake is still important.

4) You are what you eat. It’s just that simple. To simplify, you eat crap and you will look like crap.

That being said let’s talk calories and figuring out daily needs

Harris Benedict Formula for Calorie Calculations
“The Harris Benedict equation is a calorie formula using the variables of height, weight, age, and gender to calculate basal metabolic rate (BMR). This is more accurate than calculating calorie needs based on total body weight alone. The only factor it omits is lean body mass and thus the ratio of muscle-to-fat a body has. Remember, leaner bodies need more calories than less leaner ones. Therefore, this equation will be very accurate in all but the very muscular (Harris-Benedict will under-estimate calorie needs) and the very fat (Harris-Benedict will over-estimate calorie needs).”

Fast Food, Fast Nutrition

Eating on the run. Unless you're Mr. or Ms. Perfect, it's become a necessary evil these days. Although were suppose to have all the conveniences of the modern world, enough to make our lives easier, it just seems like there's less and less time in the day! Yet we know real gains in mass and controlling body fat require round-the-clock eating. What's the solution? How can you eat 5 to 6 meals daily in such a fast pace world? Of course you can live on Lean Body Shakes. That'll help. But you can utilize fast food joints, eating around the bad stuff and carefully selecting meals and items that are either low in fat or lower in sugar and refined carbohydrates. It's becoming easier too. With the onslaught of negative press aimed at such fast food establishments, many are currently in the process of slimming down, providing more healthy alternatives to the big Burger and super size fries. With that in mind, here's my simple guide to staying in shape at some of the top fast food establishments.


“One must train the deadlift in a multiyear plan. An 8 or 12 week cycle won’t work. For example, it may take 6 months to raise your hamstrings up to acceptable levels.”

Deadlift records have made little progress in recent years. I believe it is easy to add pounds to a squat or bench press due to more progressive equipment. The supportive gear, in Westside’s opinion, pushes one to gain bodyweight to increase the squat and bench press, but anyone, including myself, can tell you, if you’re too heavy, your pull is destroyed.

Degradation under different storage conditions


I have analysed the same batch (Hygetropin) but under different storage conditions, for 15 days.








The strength of blue tops from China

First I'd like to explain how the strength of Growth Hormone is measured.

First, the activity of Growth hormone was tested by using small animals, mostly rats. After much protest of organisations for animal welfare, the WHO asked some labs to seek the relationship between HPLC and the activity.  After a lot of experimenting, scientists concluded that the activity result of the RP-HPLC  (reversed phase) corresponded to the activity resulting by administration of growth hormone to small animals later these animals where killed to measure growth/strength. Then, in pharmacopoeia, the testing of activity in animals, changed to testing by RP-HPLC.