police officers on steroids

If, on bodybuilding fora people start to discuss steroids and cops, emotions come up. Like here on our own JM forum: //juicedmuscle.com/showthread.php?5877-Old-Vid-of-ROnnie-Coleman-at-work-...

What I read on a forum seemed right to me: " Some people are nice, some people are assholes, some assholes become cops!! "

Or as Victor Conte said:"I think overall, it's kind of like alcohol,"  "If you're a jerk when you're sober, you're going to be more of a jerk when you're using."
Conte also said about the psychological effects of steroids -- including mood swings and so-called "'roid rage" -- are often overblown and can depend on how much of the drug is used. The same is true for the other side effects such as liver damage, depression and high blood pressure.