

German Volume Training for Shocking Muscle Growth

Muscle Volume Training for Muscle GrowthSprechen sie Deutsch? Translated, that means do you speak German?

You don’t need to speak German to master German Volume Training. You only need to master your threshold for pain. Because German Volume Training is pain. It’s an insane and effective method of shocking your muscles.

Call German Volume Training the slumpbuster. If you’re in a rut, seeing no muscle gains, and need a dramatic change, look no further. Consider your muscle building slump to be over.
Core Principles of German Volume Training

Squat Analysis



Some physicians condemn the squat, citing how destructive they are to the knees, despite scientific studies and millions of personal experiences to the contrary. One sports medicine doctor explained to me why squats were considered to be bad for the knees. He was actually telling me this between his sets of squats! Since sports medicine doctors only see people with injuries one can guess why they may have developed this belief. The individuals they treat certainly do not constitute a random sample, let alone a representative population which, as any scientist knows, is essential to even attempt to formulate inferences.

 High Testosterone Foods You Need To Be Eating

If you experiencing lack of energy, decrease in sexual drive, and a loss of muscle mass you could a victim of having low testosterone. But dont be too afraid because you have some options, before you go and run to the doctor and get prescribed a bunch of different dangerous cremes and gels, I urge you to include these high testosterone foods in your diet.

1) Steak-Trust me you have been  lied to, steak is very high in zinc and is a great source of proten and will give you a much needed way to increase your testosterone naturally. Dont believe the hype meat is good for you.

2) Eggs- Make sure you include the yolk as it is very high in vitamin A and D which are precursers to increasing your testosterone naturally.

3) Liver- Another meat that is high in vitamin A and D as well as packed with Zinc. T

4) Fish Oil- This can be taken in pill form or naturally from sources such as salmon, cod, and tuna.

5) Whole Milk- Another Great source of Vitamin A and D which wil help you naturally raise your testosterone levels.

There you have it, make sure you are including these 5 high testosterone foods in your diet and you will be on your way to increasing your testosterone naturally.

Boost Your Energy with EPO

Erythropoietin or EPO is one of the naturally-occurring hormones in the human body that has been used for medical purposes. Recombinant human EPO drugs are still currently in use as treatment for anemia resulting from chronic kidney diseases or chemotherapy treatments. Unfortunately, EPO is also one of the negatively publicized drugs, due to reported abuse by high-profile athletes.  

 How Steroids Can Improve Your Sex Life:

         Researchers say that we reach our sexual peak at the age of 25, give or take a couple of years. During these years, men exhibit almost inexhaustible sexual stamina and virility. Women are also very fertile, and shows healthy libido. Furthermore, studies have shown that men and women have the capacity to enjoy healthy sex life past their 60's and into later years.
        However, men in general lose virility and sexual aggressiveness at age 40 and above. Women suffer from menstrual difficulties, vaginal dryness from little lubrication, and diminished sexual urges.  People past the age of 40 report little or no sexual activity at all. How can they possibly enjoy sex life under such constricting conditions?


Lose the guilt over that cup o' Joe you down each morning. It's good for you!

Lose the guilt over that cup o' Joe you down each morning. It's good for you!

What is Andropause and does the male form of menopause exist due to low hormone levels?

Andropause or the male menopause occurs gradually over time and is characterized primarily by low levels of Testosterone and Human Growth Hormone in men. The world of modern medicine has made enormous strides in the last 20 years. The diagnostic tools, surgical procedures and advanced research techniques have changed medical care for the better. Open heart surgery finds the patient at home after several days. Many cancers, including prostate and colon cancer, are more treatable and have a higher survival rate. The list of these medical advances could fill several text books. Male hormone therapy has likewise advanced, becoming more effective and more readily available in a variety of hormone medications than ever before.

The Positive Effects of Testosterone on the Heart

Steroids will cause your kidneys to implode, your heart to blow a ventricle, and your liver to squirt out of your arse, fly across the room, and knock the cat off the futon. We read it on the Internet and saw an after school special about it, so it must be true, right?

Actually, the more you learn about steroids, the more you come to realize that, like all drugs, there’s a difference between their intelligent use and outright abuse. In this article, Doug Kalman takes a look at the effects of Testosterone on the heart. What he found may surprise you.

Over the years we’ve all heard the repeated mantra that anabolic steroids are bad for the heart. Some physicians will tell you that gear raises your risk of heart disease by lowering your good cholesterol (HDL) and raising your bad cholesterol (LDL). In fact, as some docs will tell you, steroids are known to even induce cardiac hypertrophy (enlargement of the heart). And since you can’t flex your heart in an effort to woo women, who’d want that?

GOMAD, How to gain 25lb in 25 days

To  gain weight  you must eat more than you’re doing now. But if you’re skinny and struggle to gain weight, you know that eating more can be hard. You may feel like throwing up every time you try to eat more.

Luckily there’s an easy, fast & cheap way to gain weight naturally: GOMAD. Any “hard gainer” will gain weight drinking 1 US Gallon Of Milk A Day. This article will teach you how to gain weight with GOMAD.

Benefits of GOMAD. GOMAD stands for Gallon Of Milk A Day. GOMAD is a weight gain method that has been going around since years. Some benefits of drinking 1 US gallon (4 liters) of whole milk daily:

Steak Your Claim

Red meat gets a bad rap. We cut through the bull.

Even raw, it's hard to look at a big steak without wanting to bite right into it. Some primal instinct is heightened, and the caveman in all of us gets hungry. Numerous studies, though, have linked red meat — unfairly, in our estimation — to everything from heart disease to prostate cancer. The problem? Most of this research uses data from the sedentary general population to create dietary guidelines for the rest of us, including serious athletes and bodybuilders. The most salient point, however, remains: Lean or even slightly fatty red meat is a key component of a muscle-building diet.