Sustanon 250 (Testosterone Blend)

Sustanon is a unique steroid in that it blends four testosterone esters, (propionate/ isocaproate/ decanoate/phenylpropionate) each with a different release time. It’s what Dan Duchaine referred to, in the very first steroid book “The Underground Steroid Handbook,” as a very “elegant” concept.

The original Sustanon even came with a pre-loaded syringe. No need for drawing, filling and switching needles. Pretty cool and convenient – in theory. The problem with this cute little bit of marketing is that the needle was a 21 gauge! Of course, you could switch needles but keep in mind, just 15 years ago there wasn’t easy access to needle, syringes et al. Most guys got them from veterinarian supply stores. If nothing else was available, there was no choice but to lance yourself with the enclosed 1 ½ “ 21 gauge spike. Today, Sustanon is available in vials and ampoules.

The reasoning behind Sustanon is quite clever. By having several esters the user gets an immediate surge (from the prop) and yet does not have to inject as often since the other esters continue to release androgen into the bloodstream and remain active for up to 4 weeks. Great idea – for its intended purpose, that of some form of hormone replacement. However, for bodybuilding purposes, the varying release times aren’t much of an advantage since (several) weekly injection would be needed regardless of the ester blend. Having said that, there’s no denying that Sustanon is one KICK ASS steroid!

Back in the 80’s and early 90’s Sustanon was the most sought after testosterone. It was thought to have a superior effect on libido than other testosterones as well as resulting in less water retention. Neither belief has much validity however. For the most part, testosterone is testosterone and it will produce all the same effect – all the good, and all the bad. The only difference with each ester is how long it remains in the bloodstream. (Although there’s some credence to the notion that a shorter acting T such as proprionate is has a greater bioavailability. More on that when we cover prop specifically). So it’s fair to say that Sustanon does what all testosterones do. But it does it in a BIG way!

250 mgs in a single cc provides a hefty dose of androgen that you will feel within minutes of injection. This may also be the reason behind the libido enhancing effects. Since you get such a whopping does so quickly after the first dosing, the HPTA has yet to shut down so you’re still producing your own T, PLUS an additional 250 mgs. No wonder you can expect to experience raging horniness!


Even though Sustanon’s popularity was waned somewhat, it’s still a favorite mainly for the fact that it’s just a potent single dose. Most suppliers carry it and most UG labs make a version of it, though the original Organon brand tends to be pricy. (A leftover from the days when it was considered “special?”)


Considering the 250mg dosage it only needs to be injected once or twice a week. Some people feel the different esters actually creates a less even distribution since levels will spike and fall more than evenly spaced injections of a single ester. Be that as it may, Sustanon will do the job and leave no doubt of the power of testosterone!