Nilevar (norethandrolone)

Norethandrolone is an anabolic steroid which is closely related to the steroid nandrolone in its structure. Although this steroid is essentially nandrolone modified to make oral dosing viable, it cannot be looked at as simply an oral alternative to Deca Durabolin. Norethandrolone was first developed in the 1950s. It was then developed into a prescription medication by the the pharmaceutical company Searle, which introduced it to the US prescription drug market under the brand name of Nilevar in the late 1950s.The drug was originally sold as an oral tablet, and oral solution, and an injectable solution in ampoules. The inectable form of this drug has been out of commerce for so long that few even remember that it ever existed. Nilevar was prescribed for a variety of illnesses that could be benefited by a protein sparing anabolic agent. Listed indications included preparation for and recovery from surgery, severe or prolonged illness, anorexia nervosa, severe burns and trauma, decubitus, ulcers, bone fracture healing and various forms of malnourishment in adults and children. Norethandrolone ultimately saw only limited success as a prescription anabolic agent. It did make its way to Europe and certain other markets, but not widely. Today, this drug is available on a limited basis, mainly in Australia where it remains a popular substance on the veterinary drug market.

The activity of this steroid is that of a mild to moderate oral anabolic oral anabolic steroid, which is accompanied by distinguishable androgenic and estrogenic components. The greatly increased estrogenicity caused by 17-alkylation makes norethandrolone much more problematic when trying to build quality muscle mass. Users of this drug generally see a rapid gain in muscle mass and strength similar to that which would be seen by an oral drug such as dianabol. Norethandrolone is aromatized by the body and coverted to a synthetic estrogen with a high level of biological activity. As a result of this it is possible to see some estrogen related side effects when using this drug. Estrogen side effects can include things such as excess fat and water retention and gyno (the development of unattractive and sometimes painful female breast tissue under the nipples in males.) To help combat such issues, users of this drug should also take an anti-estrogen alongside of it. Some of the more popular anti estrogen agents are arimidex and aromasin. It’s also important to note that this drug has some additional activity as a progestin in the body. The side effects associated with progesterone are similar to those that would be seen in relation to estrogen. Androgenic side effects are also possible with this drug. These side effects may include things such as oily skin, acne, and increased facial hair growth. In women, androgen can cause masculizing side effects such as deepening of the voice, clitoral enlargement, and the growth of facial hair. Norethandrolone is a C17aa oral, which means that it can be toxic to the liver. Because of this, users are urged to keep dosing within reasonable ranges and try to limit cycle length to 8 weeks. It is also recommended that users run some sort of liver protecting agent along side of this drug such as milk thistle or a product such as Liv-52. Like all anabolic steroids, this drug will cause one’s natural testosterone function to be halted during use. Therefore, users should run a post cycle therapy protocol after discontinuing their cycle. Users often choose to run agents such as clomid and HCG to get their natural testosterone function resumed.

When used for performance or physique enhancing purposes, this drug is most often taken by men in a dosage of 20-40mg a day for a period of 6-8 weeks. Women sometimes choose to run this compound as well, with a dosage of 5-10mg for around 4 weeks being the most common.