MGF (Mechano Growth Factor).

MGF (Mechano Growth Factor).

Just after the second world war a hopeful world produced a large new generation. Most of them did well. They have worked their whole life and are willing to pay for pharmaceutical aids that will prolong and ease their “golden years”. They want to grow old, but they want to grow old gracefully, maintaining their youthful skills. They don’t want to spent their last years in a wheelchair or in a nursing bed with a bedpan. They want to remain mobile and have a healthy sexlife. The success of Phizers Viagra proves that. 

Authorities all over the world are facing huge healthcare costs due to an aging babyboom. The steady loss of bone mass (osteoporosis) and of lean muscle mass (sarcopenia) that accompanies aging puts an increasing strain on our health care systems. It afflicts millions of aging people all over the world. Age-related loss of muscle mass, strength and frailty caused by declining levels of  essential hormones in the body such as sex hormones and growth hormone stops them from carrying out everyday tasks and increases the riskof falling and breaking bones that are brittle because of osteoporosis. This is not only a major socio-economic as well as a major medical and financial problem, it is also important to improve the overall well-being of all these elderly. All this led to increased funds and need for scientific research towards prevention of age related diseases.  We already knew that the  exogenous administration of rhGH and sex-hormones such as Testosterone (HRT) could improve overall well-being in elderly.

Growth hormone

In 1990 Dr Rudman published a clinical study in the New England Journal of Medicine about exogenous administration of synthetic human growth hormone on 12 older men, aged 61 to 81, that revealed that after just six months of treatment, the men gained an average of 8.8 percent in lean body mass, and lost an average of 14.4 percent in fat mass.

At the beginning of the eighties we saw that Lee Haney (Mr Olympia 1984 – 1991) had managed to beat the competition and had won a dry 10 kilo on the combination of steroids and recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH). A bit later Milos Sarchev succeeded to control the additional use of insulin. He shared his new won knowledge with other guys like by example Chad Nichols. The result was a much heavier line-up on the Olympia. Dorian Yates was the first that perfected its use. It didn’t stop here, the athletes started to combine it with IGF-1, because growthormone and IGF have a mutual feedback system. It seems like yesterday that I wrote an article for my Dutch site about IGF and the fact that it was almost useless because it escaped very quick via the bloodstream. Then the Australian company GroPep modified this peptide and changed the amino acid sequence and IGF-1 LR3 was born. We had entered a whole new area. The area of peptides.

Growth Hormone is the most important hormone made by the pituitary gland (which is found at the base of the brain). Pituitary cells, called somatotrophs, release growth hormone (GH or Somatotrophin). Growth hormone is secreted in brief bursts into the bloodstream. Growth hormone stays in the bloodstream for only a few minutes, but that is long enough to stimulate its uptake into the liver, where it interacts with insulin and other factors to form hepatic introduced circulatory (systemic) growth factors. The most important one is insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1or Somatomedin C). IGF-1 is directly responsible for most of the positive effects of growth hormone, although GH also exerts some direct action on local tissues such as muscle and bones. This means that GH also can be seen as a pro-hormone to IGF-1. In your body IGF-1 is spliced into many different variants that have different anabolic properties. IGF-1Ea (systemic or liver variant) and Mechano Growth Factor (IGF-1Ec or MGF) make up the more important spliced variants of the IGF-1 when referring to muscle growth. IGF-1 receptors are increased greatly following exercise


IGF stands for insulin-like growth factor.  It is a natural substance that is produced in the human body and reaches its highest natural levels during puberty.  During puberty IGF is the main cause of natural muscle growth that especially prevents during these years.  There are many different things that IGF does in the human body; I will only mention the points that are important for physical enlargement.  The for bodybuilders most important advantages are by example an increased amino acid synthesis at cells, increased glucose demotion, increased protein synthesis, decreased protein demotion, and the increased synthesis of RNA. 

When IGF asset has been carried it self differently in different types of fabrics.  In muscle cells, the proteins and the accompanying cell components are stimulated.  The protein synthesis is raised together with amino acid absorption.  IGF mobilizes fat for use as energy in fat tissue.  In thin fabric, prevents to transport IGF insulin glucose over the cell membranes.  Consequently the cells must switch over on the burning of fat as an energy source.  These reasons raised the user of IGF as by itself its fat free mass. 

The probable most interesting and powerful effect, that IGF has on the human body, is its capacity to cause hyperplasia, which is the actual split up of cells.  The hypertrophy is prevents what during your weights training and steroid use, is simple an increase of the size of your muscle cells it.  After  puberty you have a fixed number of muscle cells, and everything you can do is the increasing of this muscle cells, you reach simply no longer.,.  Only, through the use of IGF can this hyperplasia cause, that will say that you actual your present number muscle cells in the fabric raise, and through weight training and steroïden use can you these new cells ripen, you let them with other words grow and more strongly become.,,.  On this manner, IGF can increase your genetical potential in terms of muscle fabric and numbers muscle cells actual.  IGF multiplied and changed the by nature present cells.  On genetic level own the the potentially of every individual the genetic limit to raise round so a superior muscle compactness and size to build. 

If you the simultaneous use of IGF1 with Insuline plant, consider then that IGF1 not duration is, certainly can you with less IGF closed through insuline in the cure closed to fit, but the IGF1 and the Insuline have together a per-insuline effect on the total balance of the blood sugar.  It can raise your chances on a hypoglycaemic  episode with the tienvoudige.  I would advise it nobody, that not absolutely has been trusted with IGF and insuline. 

IGF is an research-peptide, has been approved becomes examined it not yet for use as medicine and it present for the repair of the nerve fabric, as a help for fire wounded victims, and also as possible help with muscle loss (muscle wasting) for the patients with an AIDS contagion.  IGF appeared offers command to own also a regenerating working on the damaged neuronen in the brain, what incredible possibilities by cure of damaged in the brain, by oxigen flaw by birth, by strokes, Alzheimer Parkinson disease etc etc. 

There are many different available analogues of IGF, will mention instead of they to mention all, I simple the two mostly occurring and mostly efficient.  The usual recombinant IGF is one is expensiver and most inefficient of two, it.  The usual IGF has only a half ring time of approximately 10-20 minutes in the human body and fast is destroyed, it can be combined knit with particular binding proteïnen round the half ring time out to, but that is no simple procedure and there is a more efficient and less expensive available version.  The most efficient forms of IGF is Long R3 igf-1, it is chemical changed and has changes in amino acid sequence  that avoid that it self binds at proteïnen in the human body and the allowing a much longer half ring time to have, around 20-30 hour.  "Lung® R3 IGF-1 is an analogous (diverted) of IGF-1 of 83 amino acids consisting of the complete human IGF-1 with substitie of an Arg (R) for Glu (E) by position three, hence R3, and an extra chain of 13 amino acids at the end point (terminus) of N.  This analogously by IGF-1 has been produced to raise with the intention the biological activity of the IGF peptide.

Long R3 IGF-1®  is significantly more powerful than the normal IGF-1.  The improved power closed is to be written at the decreased affinity of LR3 IGF-1 at all known bindings proteins and then especially IGFBP 3.  This binding proteins inhibit the normal biological working of IGF. For the rest of this article when I IGF say refer I now to Long R3 IGF-1® round the one and others legibly to hold. 

IGFBP3 is allows can do the binding protein, which IGF1 to remain long enough asset in the system its magic work.  IGF has of itself a half ring time of less then 10 minutes.  The molecules is so small that it very fast escapes at the blood stream.  This was the main reason why IGF use was so "obscure". It required very frequent injectionswith a high quantity in order to reach even minimal results. This shorten working version was only IGF which available was and one injected in 100 mcg dosing 4-6 turn per day.  That is a whole lot of IGF1.  That declares turned off whole many of the distended bellies.  Below merged one the peptide IGFBP3 with IGF which until 6 hours in the system wanted to work.  You make to bind the molecule larger and it is locked up in the blood stream till the protein and the IGF is split up by IGF at IGFBP3, and the IGF molecule flee.  You can promote its workings duration to combine through it with Insulin.  The insulin prevents the analysis of IGFBP3 and let IGF1 molecule in the blood stream free wander for longer duration till at least 12 hours than the insulin levels return to their normal level will IGFBP3 self begin on to split up and IGF1 of its binding protein IGFBP3 deliver after which it again a half ring time has of less then 10 minutes.  Below came final LONGR3 IGF-1> There was many discussion about the question how it must be solved.  Many bodybuildingsites went had been solved the selling meanwhile it in 100% benzyl alcohol.  Later realized one a weak acidic solution required (b. v.  10mM HCI or acetic acid), to prevent premature decomposition of igf-1.  I have passing studies seen that demonstrate that the cirkeldichromisme (cd) diagrams reveal that the IGF-1 own structure through benzyl alcohol am interrupted (PMID:  9165531).  The very best what the bodybuilder wanted to come over is it appearing of a complete system in one box, that it even for the largest layman possible makes to make its injection liquid ready. 

Growth hormone,  IGF-1 and insulin

You thought this article would be about the Mechano Growth Factor, but in order to understand how it works and must be used, I will try to write an easy to read and understandable article. MGF is a splice variant of IGF-1 that mediates its effect mostly via Growth Hormone. The ratio and interaction between GH, IGF-1 amino acids and insulin is paramount for correct and maximum protein and glucose metabolism. Hepatic (systemic) and tissue specific (MGF) IGF-1 formation is optimised by  a steady insulin management.

It seems reasonably certain the almost every hard-core and serious athlete is aware of the paramount importance of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) and growth hormone (GH) for actualising gains in lean mass tissue. Unfortunately it seems that not as many are aware of insulin's powerful and symbiotic anabolic effects. This is especially so in regards to its synergistic role in producing one of the body's most potent growth factors called IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor-1).

In a nutshell, researching scientist found many more growth factors, hence IGF-1, ( IGF-2 is vital to the repair and maintenance of nerve cells). We won’t go into that any further since it is not important to this article. Confusing enough IGF-1 consist of different isoforms important for by example muscle growth.  Muscle growth???

Back to the basics

Years ago bodybuilders had no clue about the actual functioning of their bodies muscle growth  (myogenesis). They found the most effective ways to grow by miss and try. Intense heavy training increases endogenous testosterone, GH and IGF levels. At the same time it decreases insulin levels and increases cortisol (a catabolic hormone that breaks down your  muscles) and increases myostatin ( that stops myogenesis). Bodybuilders back then, just like natural bodybuilders now, took simple carbohydrates (sugars) 15 minutes after their work-out to fill their depleted glycogen depots in muscles and liver. And within 90 minutes they took a protein rich meal for muscle building. The use of simple carbs immediately after the work-out provided a spike in insulin levels that equalizes the decrease caused by the work-out and the high cortisol level. The insulin also interacts with the GH and IGF/MGF, but they did not know that then. Old school bodybuilders where also used to a “powernap” after their work-out (GH is released during first sleep). Natural bodybuilders and bodybuilders with a small chemical aid (mostly Testosterone, Deca and Dianabol)  instinctively found that eccentric weight training (which causes the highest increases in circulating bioactive IGF-1 and its splice variant MGF in muscle tissue) worked best. When your insulin level  is low, the effect of endogenous secreted GH-IGF-MGF is almost nihil. GH release via sleep is useless without sufficient circulating insulin and blood amino acids (muscle building blocks derived from protein). Old school hard core bodybuilding should teach us the basics from true muscle building. Because all exogenous (tablets and injections) administered means, being anabolic androgenic steroids, growth hormones, growth factors etc , won’t do the trick without the symbiotic presence of enough nutrition’s and insulin. Chemical assisted athletes are able to train more often because their recovery is faster, which decreases their chance on over training. Modern bodybuilders, utilizing poly-pharmacology, should be aware of the synergistic role of all this different factors. Together they create a anabolic environment that allows the body to grow.

Let me use a metaphor: if you hire the best bricklayer you know, to build a nice strong wall, he will need a concrete fundation, tools, building blocks and cement. If he lacks one of these elements, the wall will not last long if even build.


Since the Chinese authorities in the beginning of 2012 cracked down on peptides a lot has changed. For those without very good direct contact to a manufacturer, it is almost impossible to obtain good quality peptides. Also because middleman know very well that the end-user practically has no access to an analytical peptide laboratory to perform analyses and even then the costs are mostly to high. Most modified peptides, such as pegylation or addition of an affinity complex, are mostly the cheaper and more common peptides. Thus someone buys CJC-1295 but gets GRF (I-29) or buys PT-141 and gets MT1.

The leading scientist on MGF, Professor Geoffrey Goldspink patented his new modified stabilised peptide. The new stabilised Mechano growth factors have the arganine amino acids replaced by a more stable  D-arganines and the arganine on 23 is replaced by an histidine. Pegylation via a succinic acid bridge. This is the right sequence


On the picture Western blotting: On the left a normal mgf sample on the right the stabilized one, incubated in fresh human plasma A.) 0 minutes B.) 30 minutes C.) 2 hours D.) 24 hours

We asked a company in China to synthesize a batch for us according to this sequence and we played the brave human guinea pig. 

The late Dan Duchaine already predicted it in his “Underground Steroidbook” as “Muscle Growth Factor”. He was convinced that this “holy grail” of bodybuilding was already present in the body and just had to be discovered. Myostatin blockers and recently Mechano Growth Factor seem to support his opinion. Lets leave the myostatin blockers for what it is and concentrate on  MGF (Mechano Growth Factor).


The fact that MGF 'kick starts' the hypertrophy process clearly has potential for abuse and has already attracted the attention of body builders (1)

It is thought that following muscle trauma (muscle damage), circulating levels of IGF-1 are partially spliced towards MGF, which in turn increasing the amount (proliferates) of myoblasts. Myoblasts are stem cells that are used for creating muscle fibers. Muscles do not undergo mitosis like other cells, instead they must have myoblasts fuse to the area and be activated (given an identity).

When IGF first made its way onto the bodybuilding scene most people were injecting it every day and noticed that after somewhere around 30 days the effects of IGF wore off. This was blamed on receptor "down-regulation" or "desensitisation". To combat this people started a 5-on 2-off rotation and then went to a post workout only rotation which extended the time on IGF an additional 10-20 days. But the problem with the lack of "receptor response" was still present.

Then MGF came onto the scene. MGF was suppose to be the next best thing in bodybuilding. It was suppose to be more anabolic than AAS and better suited for building new muscle than IGF, the problem was that it wasn't. Because of its instability it was quickly broken down once injected into the body, to prevent this PegMGF was created. This new MGF was now able to survive in the body from anywhere in the 1-3 days. Combining this new peptide discovery with IGF was suppose to be able to make all of us the next Mr. Olympia. But what happened? Why do we not see a flood of new pros?

What happened:

In theory these two peptides should cause some great results, the problem is they do not work together very well unless your timing is spot on (I will go into greater detail later). In short stem cells in the presence of MGF will cause the cells to split and multiply. When the cells are multiplying they cannot form new tissue and the effects of IGF are completely blocked. So the two together are not very compatible.

Then why not just use IGF? Well most do use IGF only and get great results, but there is that pesky business of receptor "down-regulation" or "desensitisation" and you have to end a cycle of IGF after 30-50 days and there is no way to prevent it... or is there?

The science:

In a natural system (Our Body) we have peaks and dips with MGF and IGF levels. The reasons for these peaks and dips are to create the ideal amount of cells to repair and create new tissue. After strenuous exercise the levels of MGF in the body (more specifically in the muscle just trained) increase dramatically and there is a dramatic decrease of IGF levels. The reason for this is because MGF causes stem cells to proliferate (split and multiply). This process ensures that there are enough cells available to make repairs and to create new tissue in order for the tissue to function efficiently and properly (in this case skeletal muscle tissue). As mentioned above in the presence of MGF there is no need for IGF because it is rendered useless and cannot activate the stem cells, so this explains the bodies response to decrease IGF levels.

In 12-36 hours MGF levels begin to drop and there is a direct correlation in the rise of IGF levels within the body. Stem cells have proliferated and now the IGF will bind to the proper receptors and cause differentiation (force the stem cells to form into a specific cell for a specific tissue type). This process repeats every time you exercise and keeps the natural system in an efficient state.

When flooding the body with these artificial peptides a person will change this natural system dramatically. A person using MGF only is causing stem cell proliferation while at the same time preventing IGF to perform its duties of creating new tissue from those newly created stem cells. A person using IGF only is depleting the supply of stem cells at a rate much faster than the body can keep up, leading to a depletion of available stem cells and not receptor "down-regulation" or "desensitization."

This sounds like a lose-lose situation. You are throwing off your body's final tuned muscle repairing mechanism, depleting valuable stem cells or creating too many stem cells for your body to deal with. Why bother?

The climax:

The reason why we bother is because we want to reach or goals. We want to be the biggest bodybuilder, the best powerlifter or whatever it is that we are training so hard for. These peptides are a great addition to our arsenal, but learning to use them properly is the key to utilizing their benefits.

The key is retraining the way we think about MGF and IGF. We have to understand that we are dealing with the creation and depletion of stem cells that are going to be responsible for our muscular growth. Our bodies do not have a constant supply of these stem cells and our bodies will not naturally utilize all of the stem cells it has created. Since we are trying to artificially manipulate the amount and utilization of these stem cells we have to look at this is a different manner.

While we may never get the exogenous MGF and IGF levels just right so that we may counteract the depletion of the stem cells we can adjust our protocols in a way that will increase the amount of time a person can use and respond to both peptides.

The Conclusion :

We know that the PegMGF will stay in the body for several days and we know that while in the presence of MGF stem cells will proliferate and the use of IGF is futile. We also know that MGF without the peg is of little to no help because of how quickly exogenous MGF is broken down within the body. So what are the options?

Well both can be of use! PegMGF can be of great use as long as the individual using the peptide in conjuction with IGF understands that the two peptides must be injected in a manner that falls outside of the current way of thinking. And MGF without the Peg addition can also be utilized as long as you don't mind being a pin cushion.

The key with MGF is to learn to either follow your bodies natural peaks and dips of MGF levels and force proliferation on a larger scale with MGF, or to force a longer period of cell proliferation with the use of PegMGF. The key is you have to have stem cells in order to create new muscle tissue.

Now that we have hit the MGF part of the cycle, now we move into the part of the cycle that utilizes the stem cells. Again we want to either follow the body's natural peaks and dips of IGF levels or we are going to want to cause a prolonged forced differentiation phase. The latter of the two options is simply following standard protocol of everyday injections or 5-on 2-off. The other is all about timing. We know that MGF levels peak in the body after strenuous exercise, so why would you want to inject a substance that is useless in the presence of MGF right when MGF levels are at their highest? The answer is you don't! You will want to wait and inject the IGF 24hrs after the exercise. This will give ample time for the MGF peak to start to dip and can closely mimic the natural rise in IGF levels. This will allow for a person to use a more efficient dose since the timing of the IGF will correspond closely to the dip in MGF levels resulting in greater utilization of the exogenous IGF.

The cycles:

Let us keep in mind that dosing is different for everyone. Some guys are wasted after 2 alcoholic beverages others drink a tenfold and are fine. Thats why I always advise to start low and once an increase in doses doesn't bring more results stick to the lowest dose. Play it safe!!

The first being IGF only. It works, maybe not the most efficient plan out there but it does work none-the-less.

The second would be the PegMGF/IGF combination. This is not the most efficient method but should significantly increase the amount of time one can be on an MGF/IGF cycle and still see positive results. (This may have to be altered according to your training schedule)

Sunday - Off Training - Mid-day PegMGF 200-300mcg
Monday - Training (Afternoon)
Tuesday - Off Training - Afternoon IGF 40-80mcg
Wednesday - Training (Afternoon)
Thursday - Off Training - Afternoon IGF 40-80mcg
Friday - Training (Afternoon)
Saturday - Off Training - Afternoon IGF Injection 40-80mcg

The addition of the PegMGF will cause an increase in amount and duration of stem cell proliferation and should subside about the period of the first IGF injection. While this will not keep stem cell levels stable it should prevent the drastic decrease in stem cell numbers seen with IGF only cycles and should significantly increase cycle length.

The third would be the use of regular MGF plus the addition of IGF and woulld closely mimic the natural system.

Sunday - Off Training
Monday - Training (afternoon) - 1hr PWO MGF 50mcg in muscles trained
Tuesday - Off Training - Afternoon IGF 40-80mcg
Wednesday - Training (Afternoon) - 1hr PWO MGF 50mcg in muscles trained
Thursday - Off Training - Afternoon IGF 40-80mcg
Friday - Training (Afternoon) - 1hr PWO MGF 50mcg in muscles trained
Saturday - Off Training - Afternoon IGF 40-80mcg

This protocol should closely mimic natural peaks and dips in MGF and IGF within the specific muscles being trained. While regular MGF is short lived in the body the addition on the regular MGF 1 hour post workout should cause an increase in cell proliferation beyond the natural system's ability and should create a larger pool of stem cells for the utilization of IGF therapy.

MGF + LR3 IGF-1 Dosage Scheme (following intense loading of lagging muscle group)

Assuming a 4 day per week workout schedule on M-T and Th-F:

Day 1: 150mg PEG-MGF 1-2 hours before lifting
Day 2: 10mcg-20mcg LR3 IGF-1 PWO
Day 3: None
Day 4: 10mcg-20mcg LR3 IGF-1 Before Breakfast
Day 5: 150mg PEG-MGF 1-2 hours before lifting
Day 6: 10mcg-20mcg LR3 IGF-1
Day 7: None

(The above was written for muscle growth. If you are using LR3 IGF-1 for controlling blood glucose I recommend 10mcg every day in the morning)

An other user replied to the above cycle system: dosage of LR3 IGF-1 is absolutely insane. Your receptors are going to down regulate extremely fast and the effect seen by using IGF-1 is going to whither away much faster than if you used 10-20mcg every other day or 10mcg every day before breakfast. Peptide hormones aren't made for getting huge honestly. They are there to aid in the process but IGF-1, in my opinion, is better suited to help you lean out by controlling blood sugar levels all day, which is a huge plus. As for the PEG-MGF you don't need to spot inject it. It goes systemic and need not be put in multiple places, it will make it to all parts of the body. Not sure how often you do PEG-MGF but you only need it 1-2 times per week. Anymore than 2x per week and you're seriously decreasing the rate at which you can grow.

Remember this stuff is for research purposes only and all posts I make about dosages and injecting are merely for hypothetical situations.


I personally recommend twice a week or less. Do not exceed two times per week. MGF in high dosages with high frequency can actually prevent IGF from differentiating muscle cells for growth. MGF is just the catalyst that brings satellite cells to the effected area, but you need IGF-1 to actually differentiate them.

To show how advanced the PEGylated MGF peptide is compared to the plain MGF I'll post a comaprison of both peptides graphics from the HPLC and a Mass Spectrum





















