
Clenbuterol is an anti asthma medication that belongs to a broad group of drugs known as sympathomimetics. These drugs affect that sympathetic nervous system in a wide number of ways, largely mediated by the distribution of adrenoceptors. There are actually nine different types of these receptors in the body, which are classified as either alpha or beta and further subcategorized by type number of ways, largely mediated by the distribution of adrenoceptors. Clenbuterol has been available as a bronchodilator for decades and is widely used in many parts of the world. Although it has a good safety record and approval in a wide number of other countries, this compound has never been made available for human use in the United States. The fact that there are a number of similar effective asthma medications already approved by the FDA and available may have something to do with this.

In terms of the use of clenbuterol for strength athletes and bodybuilders, its function as a beta-2 agonist can help to increase lypolysis. This is accomplished via an increase in basal metabolic rate, as well as increased heat production in the mitochondria which serves to increase body temperature and therefore increasing thermogenesis. Addtionally, it has been shown that clenbuterol is able to directly stimulate fat cells and accelerate the breakdown of triglycerides, thus forming free fatty acids. All of this is accomplished while clenbuterol has a minimal effect on the user cardiovascularly. This, as stated previously, is due to the drug being a selective beta-2 agonist/antagonist and having a minimal impact on the beta-1 receptors. This should cause less negative side effects, at least cardiovascularly, for the user. A second benefit to the administration of clenbuterol for athletes is an increase in strength as well as a possible increase in muscle size/lean body mass. It has been repeatedly demonstrated in animal studies that clenbuterol contributes to an increase in muscle mass, weight and protein content. The exact mechanism by which this takes place has still not been definitively identified but it can be concluded that it is far different then the response produced by anabolic steroids. Like other beta-2 agonists, clenbuterol has also been shown to increase muscular strength. Again, these results were achieved in animal studies but there is little reason to believe would not be transferable to human users. These gains are made over time and not a result of any type of stimulatory effect of the drug. Again however, the exact mechanism by which these results are achieved with clenbuterol is not known. It is not the same as anabolic steroids but more research needs to be done before a full understanding of this mechanism is known. Clenbuterol does increase muscle protein synthesis so this is likely to contribute but is unlikely to be the only cause. Clenbuterol has an array of potential negative side effects that are indicated in the available research, most of which has been performed using animals. The problem with this is the fact that animals have quite different beta-2 receptor reactions then humans in some cases as well as having a larger quantity of these receptors in the relevant tissues. This obviously could lead to differing reactions in humans then those found in various animals. However due to the lack of research available conducted with human subjects, we are left to decipher the applicability of the animal research that has been conducted. The most commonly reported side effects associated with clenbuterol are tremors, increased heart rate, increased sweating, restlessness, headaches, and loss of appetite. The only way to prevent or reduce such symptoms from occurring is to either reduce the dosing being administered or ceasing to use the drug completely.


Athletes and bodybuilders taking clenbuterol to lose body fat usually take 1-3 40mcg pills per day with the dosage usually being split up. The receptors will eventually get used to the drug and some time should be taken off to allow them to down regulate. Because of this many choose to run a 2 week on and 2 week off schedule.